Call for SBJSA Member Nominations
for the SBJSA Board of Directors
The SBJSA annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 22, 2024. The meeting will be held in the C.H. Stuart Building on the SBJSA campus and will start at 6:30 pm.
The Board nominating committee is preparing a slate of candidates that will be distributed to members no later than one week prior to the meeting. According to the SBJSA By-Laws, members of the Corporation also may nominate candidates for the board.
Who is a member? Members include those who financially support a camper through tuition or scholarship during the current fiscal year. Members also include those individuals who remit the membership fee (currently $300) prior to September 30th, as well as volunteers who contribute in-kind materials, time, or donations equivalent to the membership fee and are approved by the board.
How do members make board nominations? If you wish to nominate someone for one the Board of Directors positions, SBJSA members may put in nomination for any other member as a candidate, provided that such nomination be signed by at least five members and filed with the Secretary. In an attempt to reach the broadest membership base, we are extending the deadline for submissions to September 30th to allow for members to be able to provide any input.
Member nominations may be submitted by email to and must be received by September 30, 2024.
About Us
For decades, SBJSA has been and is a summer sailing and water recreation education center founded in 1956 on Great Sodus Bay NY. In the past 60+ years we have served thousands of families and children as they enjoy learning and using our watercraft and facilities. More recently, we also provide access to Sodus Bay and boating education for people of all ages through our Community Boating membership program and our fleet of boats.
SBJSA is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization that relies on tuition and fundraising to operate. We currently have over 70 watercraft and one of the finest sailing centers in the area.