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There are many connections between the sport of sailing, Sodus Bay ecology and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. At Sodus Bay Junior Sailing, we believe the educational linkage between STEM subjects and sailing is an important one to share with our youth (and probably adults too!).


We regularly incorporate STEM teaching modules in our regular SBJSA programming. We utilize standard and established STEM curriculum, connected with sailing, that’s already been developed and is distributed by US Sailing, known as REACH.


We currently have our Executive Director and multiple Instructors trained in STEM, via US Sailing's STEM Educator training course. In the future, we plan to train our remaining instructors and re-engage with area school districts.


Sailing can be effectively used as a terrific, hands-on way to demonstrate STEM concepts. We hope to plan a training event(s) for selected teachers to learn how to apply these concepts. The students of these selected teachers will be able to go sailing, which is perhaps the most impactful way of connecting science and technology to something they can experience first-hand, both on-land and out on the water.


If your school is interested, please contact SBJSA Executive Director ( for more information about how you can become part of this exciting program for our youth!  



US Sailing REACH Programing at a glance. Teachers and Administrators check this out!




7433 Clover Street

Sodus Point, NY 14555


​Mailing Address


PO Box 117

Sodus Point, NY 14555

(315) 483-8883

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