Summer Camp Program Hours of Operation:
SBJSA Summer sailing programming begins promptly each weekday at 9:30 am and ends at 4:00 pm.
Students should arrive between 9:15am and 9:30am to prepare in order for classes to start on time.
When you register your sailor you can select the Early Drop Off option to have them dropped off at 8:00am
For members of the Travel Race Team (TRT), the start or end of a specific day or days may be different, based on travel preparation load/unload work or departure/arrival time requirements at an interclub or regatta that the TRT is participating in. The TRT Race Coach will communicate all schedule changes to team members.
Physical Address:
7433 Clover St, Sodus Point, NY 14555
Mailing Address:
Community Boating Hours of Operation:
Please see the “Community Boating” section in the menu headers at the top of our homepage, and the Adult and Youth Program pages in this section as well, for specific weekday and weekend hours when members can use our fleet and facilities and also reference the latest schedule and courses for Community Boating educational offerings.
P.O. Box 117, Sodus Point, NY 14555
Phone Number:
(315) 483-8883