In-Kind Donations
Donation of Physical Assets or Funds towards a Specific Wish List need
For some of our donors, it’s important to understand SBJSA’s physical needs as they consider a cash donation towards a specific hard asset or a direct “in-kind” donation of a physical asset itself, rather than a general cash donation to be utilized by the Board of Directors where needed most.
Whether it’s related to our facilities, fleet of boats, docks, property in general or other equipment/programming needs vary each year.
If you’d like to make a donation that help funds a specific item on our needs list, please note that desire with your donation check, made payable to Sodus Bay Junior Sailing Association, and mail it to: PO Box 117, Sodus Point, NY 14555. We promise that your donation will go towards that specific need and, if you provide funds for the entire amount needed for that item, it will be named in your honor. Please contact our Treasurer, Bill Kedley, if you have any questions or wish to discuss naming details or anonymity.
We’re always in need of the following items:
Eco-friendly cleaning supplies
VHF radios – fixed mount and handheld
Fenders & line (any type)
Type III Life jackets
Sails or hardware for the following boats:
Club 420
Optimist Prime
Open BIC
Marks and anchors
Functional trailer/dolly tires
Computers (Apple Mac)
Dry erase boards
Sailing related videos
Sailing related games, etc.
Navigational equipment (charts, compass, parallel rules, etc.)
Snorkels, masks, fins, etc.
Water toys (inflatable animals, kick balls, tennis balls, etc.)
Science materials relating to lake ecology or boating (water quality testing, anemometer, weather station, etc.)
Small space heater
Sports equipment: four square balls, frisbees, etc.
Dry erase markers
Kitchen utensils
Please email info@sbjsa.org about in-kind donations.