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SBJSA is a "not-for-profit" charitable organization chartered by the NYS Education Dept.  It is registered and recognized as a 501c(3) charitable corporation; thus all donations of money, material, or volunteer work are fully tax deductible for IRS purposes.  SBJSA will provide proper IRS documentation for donations and gifts.  We gladly accept scholarships, grants and sponsorships and/or gifts to our endowment funds.


We also encourage you and your family to attend our annual fundraising events: The Golf Tournament, Pancake Breakfast and Family BBQ. All of these events represent an opportunity to raise additional funds so that we can keep the cost of program tuition at affordable levels and keep all our programs running as well.


Each donation is greatly appreciated, will be put to very good use and we’re grateful for everyone that has supported SBJSA over the years.





Each year individuals are asked to support the United Way campaign through their employer.  Those payroll contributions can be directed to SBJSA by using Donor Identification Number: 2459 




Gifts Through Your Estate: Gifts by bequest or life insurance can be directed to Sodus Bay Junior Sailing Association to come at some time in the future. These gifts are frequently added to an endowment account. You may also wish to direct a portion of your estate directly to SBJSA and avoid estate taxes as well.  


Gifts of Retirement Plan Assets: SBJSA can be designated as the recipient of any portion of an IRA (Individual Retirement Account), SRA (Supplemental Retirement Account), pension or profit-sharing plan, mutual fund or other retirement savings that remain after your death. 


IRA Gifts: Also, if you’re older than 72 years of age and required to take an annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA, you can direct some or all of that RMD directly to SBJSA on a one-time or annual basis and avoid income tax on that amount.


You are encouraged to seek advice from your personal legal/tax counsel in determining your individual charitable tax deductions and how best to handle them.




Gifts of cash or check are the most immediate and simplest way of making a gift to SBJSA. You can designate whether you’d like your donation to go into our general fund, or be used to help fund specific needs that we have (which are outlined on our “In-Kind Needs List” webpage in this “Support Us” section). Please send a check, payable to SBJSA, to our address: PO Box 117, Sodus Point, NY 14555. MANY THANKS!


Securities. Gifts of stock or mutual fund shares can be made directly to SBJSA via a brokerage account transfer. Please contact the SBJSA Treasurer, Bill Kedley, for details and account numbers to facilitate a simple and easy asset transfer process.

Matching Gifts. Many businesses will match an employee’s gift to a charitable organization of their choice. Matching gifts increase the impact of a donation. Consult your Human Resources department to find out if your company has such a program.





7433 Clover Street

Sodus Point, NY 14555


​Mailing Address


PO Box 117

Sodus Point, NY 14555

(315) 483-8883

Quick Links:

Copyright © 2024 Sodus Bay Junior Sailing Association Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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