Sodus Bay Junior Sailing Association is a member of US Sailing, the national governing body of the sport of sailing in the United States since 1897. We’ve been a member for over 40 years and continue to enjoy and benefit from the services, education, race management and other best practices US Sailing offers to over 1500 member yacht clubs, sailing schools and community boating centers across the country. On a regular basis, we attend the annual national conferences and leadership forum events, hosted and run by US Sailing, that help us interact and network with other sailing schools and community boating centers to learn about ways we can improve our operation.
Sodus Bay Junior Sailing Association is also an Accredited US Sailing Community Sailing Center.
What’s this mean? US Sailing established a comprehensive set of standards in 2006 so that public-access sailing schools and community boating centers across the country could pursue and achieve operational excellence that would benefit everyone involved, both the organization and primarily its customers. SBJSA is now among the 55 organizations, out of over 600 educational and community boating operations in the United States, that has met those high standards and earned this national certification. Aspects of the accreditation include: a high quality, documented educational curriculum, a skilled staff of certified instructors, a capable fleet of boats to deliver the curriculum, equipped facilities and grounds to facilitate teaching and a safe approach to/from the water, comprehensive insurance coverage, well established safety procedures, operational processes and open, public access to our programming.
Achievement of this distinguished recognition from US Sailing represents the dedicated work of many people over the last few decades at SBJSA, with our most recent enhancements and improvements building upon the work of the volunteers, paid staff and participants that came before us. It keeps the bar high for us and, most importantly, benefits our customers – YOU!! We’re all part of the SBJSA family legacy. We invite and welcome you to join our family! See the "See the SAILIN PROGRAMS and CB PROGRAMS tabs at the top of our homepage for details about Community Boating membership and all our educational programs!"