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Employee Expectation (Read and Acknowledge)


Staff Member Acknowledgement (Includes paid staff & CITs):


Sodus Bay Junior Sailing Association, Inc.

Employee Expectations Acknowledgement           


In keeping with the goals of the program, and in order to provide the safest, most professional and wholesome experience for SBJSA students, all staff members must maintain the highest level of responsible behavior while working at SBJSA and also while representing SBJSA throughout the community. The following expectations of conduct and behavior shall be strictly adhered to by all paid staff and CITs. In the space provided, please initial next to each item to indicate that you have read, understood and agree to abide by these requirements:


1. All staff will report for work each day, properly attired and equipped, at the scheduled time, or a variance of the scheduled time that will be mutually agreed upon by the staff and the Program Director (PD) and/or the SBJSA Board's Staffing Director. An expected work day is 8 hours in length, including lesson planning. Additional duties & paid hours may be assigned by the PD. When applicable, staff shall provide the PD [in writing] with a weekly summary of any additional hours, nature of work, and/or mileage for reimbursement (including purpose of the trip, approved in advance, the date, destination and mileage traveled). 


2. Employees are responsible for the safety of students, including during the lunch hour. This responsibility increases when the students are off the SBJSA premises, i.e. yacht clubs, away regattas or fun days. 


3. Proper and diligent care of SBJSA's watercraft & equipment is required at all times. Daily inspection of equipment shall be part of the instructional program provided to the campers. Any equipment problems must be reported immediately to the PD.  Staff members also understand that they are fully responsible for the care and operation of the safety boat, its safety equipment, engine, etc., that has been assigned to them for the program season, including a handheld VHF radio. They further understand that if any damage to or loss of the boat or any of their assigned equipment occurs as a result of negligence or intentional mis-use, they will be held financially responsible for that lost or damaged equipment and will also face disciplinary action, which may include termination.


4. At all times during work hours, whether at SBJSA or other public events, each staff member is to act as a positive role model to our junior sailors, respecting the rights and property of others and following all safety regulations. This includes, but is not limited to: use of lifejackets, no “horse play”, proper footwear and using appropriate language. Use of a cell phone, tablet, MP3 player or similar such devices by a staff member is prohibited at all times while on the water (unless permission in advance has been granted by the PD), except in the case of an emergency, when a cell phone may be used if the VHF radio fails. During program working hours (9 am-5 pm) staff is not permitted to utilize social media in any form (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, etc). At all times, whether during work hours or non-work hours, staff members are prohibited from sharing any photos or names of campers on social media. 


5. It shall not be permissible for any staff member to be under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs (including prescription drugs not used in a prescribed fashion) at any time while working for, on behalf of, or representing SBJSA. Drinking by underage staff members at all times, whether during work or non-work hours, is prohibited. An employee may be tested at any time if there is "reasonable suspicion" that the employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol during work hours that could affect job performance. Refusal to be tested is cause for disciplinary action and/or termination. 


6. Each Instructor shall report any injury (either student or staff) to the PD immediately, and shall complete the proper Medical Incident form, with assistance from the Director, in a thorough & timely fashion.  


7. I have received, read and understand the appropriate Job Description for the job I was hired to fulfill. 


8. I recognize the importance of the required certifications and training and attest that I hold valid certifications as required by the appropriate Job Description. 


9. My job with SBJSA makes me a representative of the program during my employment. I recognize that any off-duty behaviors or actions that reflect negatively on the SBJSA program may be grounds for termination. This includes any unethical or illegal behaviors, including underage drinking. I also agree to not smoke while on the SBJSA property or during the hours that I am working for, on behalf of, or representing SBJSA. 


I have read and agree to the above terms and acknowledge that they are conditions of my employment with SBJSA. I understand and acknowledge that my employment at SBJSA is on an "At Will Basis". Any failure to abide by the requirements above will lead to disciplinary action, including but not limited to termination of my employment.



Complete your application by signifying "yes" on the application form.




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